40 wonderful and outstanding morning meeting sharing stories

Sharing stories during the morning meeting contributes to starting the day with high spirits for work. Here are 40 excellent stories compiled for morning meetings. The morning meeting refers to a management approach where all employees gather together for 5-10 minutes before starting work to greet each other, exchange information, and plan the day’s tasks.

As a new day begins, with the sun rising in a new cycle, unleash your passion every morning! Each partner in the team is our closest comrade, fighting together on the front lines of business development every day. We are an inseparable entity. There are many ways to make the morning meeting meaningful, one of which is posing interesting questions and sharing inspiring stories to encourage everyone in their daily endeavors.

1、Doctor goes to the toilet

There was a Ph.D. who joined a research institute, becoming the person with the highest education. One day, he went to fish at a pond behind the institute. Coincidentally, the director and associate director were also fishing on his left and right.

He just nodded slightly, thinking, “What is there to talk about with these two undergraduates?” Soon after, the director put down his fishing rod, stretched lazily, and floated over the water to the other side, walking on the surface as if flying, heading to the restroom.

The Ph.D. couldn’t believe his eyes. Floating on water? That’s not possible! It’s just a pond. When the director returned from the restroom, he floated back over the water in the same way.

What’s going on? The Ph.D. didn’t dare to ask, after all, he was a Ph.D. student. After a while, the associate director also stood up, walked a few steps, and floated over the water to the restroom. Now the Ph.D. was nearly fainting: Did he stumble upon a gathering of martial arts masters?

The Ph.D. also needed to go. The pond had walls on both sides, and going to the restroom on the other side would take about ten minutes. Going back to the institute was too far. What to do?

Reluctant to ask the two directors, after holding it for a while, the Ph.D. decided to cross the water himself, thinking, “If undergraduates can do it, so can I!” With a loud splash, the Ph.D. fell into the water.

The two directors pulled him out and asked why he jumped in. He replied, “Why can you guys walk over there?” The directors smiled at each other, “There are two rows of wooden stakes in the pond. Due to the recent rain, they are just below the water surface. We know their positions and can walk on them. Why didn’t you ask?”

Meaning of the story: Education represents the past; only the capacity to learn represents the future. Those who respect experience are likely to avoid unnecessary detours. A good team should be a learning team.

2、Value of life

Don’t let yesterday’s frustrations dim the dreams of tomorrow!

In a discussion meeting, a famous speaker, without saying a word, raised a $20 bill.

Facing 200 people in the conference room, he asked, “Who wants this $20 bill?” Hands went up. He then said, “I intend to give this $20 to one of you, but before I do, allow me to do something.” He crumpled the bill and asked again, “Who still wants it?” Hands remained in the air. He continued, “So, what if I do this?” He threw the crumpled bill on the floor, stepped on it, and ground it with his foot. Afterward, he picked up the bill, now dirty and wrinkled. “Now, who still wants it?” People still raised their hands.

“Friends, you’ve just experienced a valuable lesson. No matter how I treated the money, you still wanted it because it didn’t lose its value. It’s still worth $20. In life, we’ll be knocked down, bullied, or even crushed by our own decisions and adversities countless times. We might feel worthless. But no matter what happens or is about to happen, in God’s eyes, you will never lose your value. In His view, whether dirty or clean, well-dressed or not, you are still priceless.”

Meaning of the story: The value of life is not determined by our actions or the people we know but by ourselves! We are uniquely valuable; never forget that.

3、Put oneself in someone else’s shoes

A long time ago, there was an owner who raised a little pig, a little sheep, and a small calf separately. The owner kept them in three adjacent pens, and the pens were close enough for them to see and greet each other. As time passed, they grew up. One day, the owner brought an iron bucket, took the calf out, and started milking it. The calf would be rewarded with fresh grass after milking. This routine continued for a while. One day, the owner brought a shearing machine and sheared the sheep’s wool, praising the sheep for its smooth and thick coat. The pig, sheep, and calf enjoyed their lives, and by the end of the year, on the eve of the Spring Festival, the owner prepared a big pot of hot water and took a sharp knife, entering the pig’s pen to catch the pig. The pig let out a heartbreaking scream and ran desperately. At this moment, the sheep and calf, awakened from their sleep and annoyed by the noise, scolded loudly without even opening their eyes: “We’ve been caught several times without making such a fuss. What’s the matter with you?” The pig, angered, replied, “Him catching you and catching me are completely different. He catches you for your wool and milk, but catching me is for my life!”

Meaning of the story: We are in different environments, and it’s challenging to understand each other’s true feelings. Therefore, we need to learn to think from others’ perspectives, be strict with ourselves, and be generous with others.

4、The masterpiece of his whole life

As long as there is belief, miracles can happen. Although hope may seem faint, it persists in the world.

American writer O. Henry told a story in his novel “The Last Leaf”:

In a hospital ward, a critically ill patient saw a tree outside the window, its leaves falling in the autumn wind. The patient, watching the falling leaves, deteriorated day by day. She said, “When all the leaves fall, I will die.” An old painter, upon hearing this, painted a vibrant leaf and hung it on a branch outside the window. The last leaf never fell. Because of the greenery in her life, the patient miraculously survived.

Meaning of the story: Life can do without many things, but it cannot do without hope. Hope is an essential value in human life. Where there is hope, life continues!

5、Flying spider

Belief is an irresistible force. When you believe in your success, you will succeed.

One day, I discovered a black spider had spun a large web between the eaves in the backyard. Could spiders fly? How did it manage to span from one eave to another, a span of more than a yard? I later found that the spider took many detours. It started from one eave, tied a knot, climbed down the wall step by step, carefully and meticulously, raised its abdomen to avoid the silk from touching the ground, crossed an open space, climbed up the opposite eave, tightened the silk, and repeated this process.

Meaning of the story: Spiders can’t fly, but they can spin a web in mid-air. They are diligent, sensitive, silent, and tenacious insects. The web they weave is intricate and orderly, spread out like a gossip, as if blessed by the divine. Such achievements remind us of those quiet and wise individuals. So, I learned that spiders can’t fly, but they can still spin webs in the air. Miracles are created by the persistent.

6、The shadow is a paper dragon

In life, there are often numerous external setbacks, but the ultimate impact on you depends on your choices. My grandfather once made a long dragon for me out of paper. The hollow space in the dragon’s belly could only accommodate a few locusts. When they were placed inside, they all died, none survived! My grandfather said, “Locusts are too impatient. Instead of trying to bite through the paper dragon with their mouths, they don’t understand that they could crawl out from the other end by moving forward. Therefore, despite having mouth shells like pliers and thighs like saws, it’s useless.” When my grandfather put several equally-sized caterpillars into the dragon’s head, closed the head, a miracle happened: in just a few minutes, the little caterpillars crawled out one by one from the dragon’s tail.

Meaning of the story: Fate often lies hidden in our thoughts. Many people can’t overcome shadows, big or small, in various stages of life, not because their innate conditions are much worse than others, but because they haven’t thought of biting through the paper dragon of shadows and haven’t patiently found a direction, step by step, until a new world appears before them.

7、Success is not as difficult as you think.

It’s not that things are difficult, preventing us from doing them; it’s because we don’t dare to do things that make them difficult. In 1965, a South Korean student went to Cambridge University to major in psychology. During tea time, he often went to the school’s café or teahouse to listen to conversations among successful people. These successful people included Nobel Prize winners, academic authorities in certain fields, and individuals who created economic legends. They were humorous, relaxed, and saw their success as very natural and logical. Over time, he found that, while in Korea, he had been deceived by some successful people. These individuals, to discourage those trying to start their own ventures, generally exaggerated the hardships of their entrepreneurial journeys. In other words, they used their success stories to scare those who hadn’t yet succeeded. As a psychology student, he believed it was necessary to study the mindset of successful South Koreans. In 1970, he submitted “Success Isn’t as Difficult as You Imagine” as his graduation thesis to Professor Will Braden, the founder of modern economic psychology. Braden was pleasantly surprised when he read it, thinking it was a new discovery. Although this phenomenon was widespread in the East and even globally, no one had boldly proposed it and studied it before. In a letter to his Cambridge alumni, he wrote, “I can’t say how much this work will help you, but I’m sure it will have more impact than any of your decrees.” Later, this book did inspire many people in Korea, as it presented success as unrelated to the hardships of “straining one’s muscles, starving one’s body,” “burning the midnight oil,” or “hanging from a beam, stabbing one’s thigh.” As long as you’re interested in a certain endeavor, persisting in it for a long time will lead to success because the time and wisdom God gave you are enough to complete a task satisfactorily. Later, the young man also achieved success and became the president of a pan-industry automotive company in Korea.

Meaning of the story: Many things in life, as long as you want to do them, can be done. The difficulties that need to be overcome can also be overcome without any iron-like will, and without any skills or strategies. As long as a person lives simply and with interest, they will eventually discover that the Creator’s arrangements for the world are all naturally unfolding.

8、Raise head to come true the United States

Don’t look at it being a black cow; its milk is still white. Jenny was a girl who always kept her head down, feeling that she wasn’t pretty enough. One day, she went to a jewelry store and bought a green bow. The shopkeeper continuously praised her for looking beautiful with the bow on her head. Although Jenny didn’t believe it, she was happy and couldn’t help but raise her head, eager for everyone to see. She bumped into someone on the way out but didn’t care. Jenny walked into the classroom and met her teacher, who said, “Jenny, you look really beautiful when you lift your head!” The teacher patted her shoulder affectionately. That day, she received many compliments. She thought it must be the bow’s credit, but when she looked in the mirror, there was no bow on her head at all. It must have been lost when she left the jewelry store. Confidence is originally a kind of beauty, but many people lose a lot of joy because they care too much about appearances.

Meaning of the story: Whether you are poor or rich, whether you look like a fairy or have an ordinary appearance, as long as you lift your head, joy will make you the kind of lovable person everyone likes.

9.The Stubborn Rock in the Heart

What prevents us from discovering and creating is merely the obstacles in our minds, the stubborn rocks in our thoughts.

Once upon a time, in a household, there was a vegetable garden with a large rock, approximately forty centimeters wide and ten centimeters tall. People passing by the garden could easily kick this large rock, leading to either stumbling or scraping. The son asked, “Dad, that annoying rock, why not just dig it out?” Dad responded, “You mean that rock? It’s been there since your grandfather’s time. It’s so large, and I don’t understand when we would finish digging it out. Instead of idly digging rocks, it’s better to walk carefully, which can also train your reflexes.” After a few years, this large rock remained for the next generation, and the son got married and became a father himself. One day, the daughter-in-law angrily said, “Dad, that big rock in the vegetable garden, the more I look at it, the more I dislike it. Let’s have someone move it one of these days.” Dad replied, “Forget it! The rock is very heavy. If it could be moved, I would have done it in my childhood. Why would it still be there now?” The daughter-in-law felt quite uncomfortable in her heart; that rock had caused her to stumble many times. One morning, the daughter-in-law, armed with a hoe and a bucket of water, poured the entire bucket around the big rock. After about fifteen minutes, she used the hoe to loosen the soil around the rock. She was mentally prepared that it might take a whole day to dig it out, but to everyone’s surprise, the rock was unearthed in just a few minutes. Looking at its size, the rock wasn’t as large as imagined; it had been deceiving everyone with its huge appearance. The moral of the story: If you climb a mountain with a downhill mindset, you won’t reach the top. If your world is dull and hopeless, it’s because you perceive it that way. Change your world by first changing your mindset.

10.Pursuit of Selflessness

Don’t consider yourself a mouse, or you’ll surely be eaten by the cat.

In 1858, a wealthy family in Sweden welcomed a daughter. However, shortly after birth, the child developed an unexplainable paralysis, losing the ability to walk.

Once, the girl and her family went on a boat trip. The captain’s wife told the child about a bird in paradise, describing it in such a way that the girl was captivated and eager to see it for herself. The nanny left the child on the deck and went to find the captain. Unable to wait, the girl insisted that a crew member immediately take her to see the bird. The crew member didn’t realize her legs couldn’t walk and simply guided her to see the beautiful bird.

A miracle happened; due to her overwhelming desire, the girl absentmindedly grabbed the crew member’s hand and began walking slowly. From that day on, the girl’s illness was cured. As she grew older, she devoted herself to literature and eventually became the first woman to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, known as Selma Lagerlöf.

The moral of the story: Selflessness is a shortcut to success, as only in such an environment can individuals surpass their own constraints and unleash their maximum potential.

11.The Optimist and the Pessimist

Optimists see opportunities in every crisis, while pessimists see crises in every opportunity.

A father wanted to transform the personalities of his twin sons, as one was excessively optimistic, and the other overly pessimistic. One day, he bought many brightly colored new toys for the pessimistic child and sent the optimistic child into a shed filled with horse manure.

The next morning, the father found the pessimistic child in tears and asked, “Why didn’t you play with those toys?” “They’ll get ruined if I play with them,” the child sobbed. Sighing, the father went into the shed, only to discover the optimistic child enthusiastically digging through the manure. “Let me tell you, Dad,” the child proudly declared, “I believe there must be a little horse hidden in this manure pile!”

The moral of the story: The difference between optimists and pessimists is quite amusing. Optimists see doughnuts, while pessimists see a hole.

12.Daring Adventure

For those who fear danger, danger is everywhere. One day, a lobster and a hermit crab met in the deep sea. The hermit crab saw the lobster shedding its hard shell, revealing its delicate body. Nervously, the hermit crab said, “Lobster, how can you give up your only protection, the hard shell? Aren’t you afraid that a big fish will swallow you whole? In your current situation, even strong currents might wash you onto the rocks, and surviving that would be a miracle!” The lobster calmly replied, “Thank you for your concern, but you don’t understand. Every time we lobsters grow, we must shed our old shells to develop a stronger one. The danger we face now is just preparation for a better future.” The hermit crab thought carefully. It realized it spent its days only seeking places to hide, never considering how to become stronger. Living in the shadows of others, it had been limiting its own growth.

The moral of the story: Everyone has a necessary comfort zone. If you want to surpass your current achievements, don’t confine yourself; be courageous in facing challenges to enrich yourself. You must develop better than you imagine.

13.Ever Eager to Learn

A mouse with only one hole is easily caught. One dark night, a group of mice led by their leader went out to forage. In a human’s kitchen, they found plenty of leftover food in the trash can, resembling a treasure trove to the mice. While the mice were happily digging through the trash, a terrifying sound echoed—the meow of a large cat. Shocked, the mice scattered in all directions, but the cat pursued relentlessly. In the end, two small mice couldn’t escape and were caught by the cat. As the cat was about to devour them, a series of fierce barking suddenly filled the air, causing the cat to panic and flee. After the cat left, the mouse leader walked out from behind the trash can and said, “I told you before, learning another language is beneficial and harmless. This time, it saved your lives.”

The moral of the story: Having an additional skill opens up more opportunities. Lifelong learning is a commitment for successful individuals.

14.Heaven Rewards Diligence

No one can rely solely on talent for success. God gives talent, but diligence transforms talent into genius. Zeng Guofan, one of the most influential figures in Chinese history, had mediocre talents in his childhood. One day, while studying at home, he repeatedly read a passage many times and was still reciting it because he hadn’t memorized it yet. A thief happened to be lurking under his eaves, hoping to get some gains after the scholar went to sleep. However, waiting and waiting, he never saw Zeng fall asleep; instead, Zeng kept reading that passage. The thief, infuriated, jumped out and said, “What kind of scholar are you, reading at this level?” He then recited the passage and left in a huff. The thief was clever, perhaps even smarter than Mr. Zeng. Yet, he could only be a thief, while Mr. Zeng became a figure admired even by Chairman Mao—an exceptional person in modern times. The saying “Diligence makes up for incompetence” is a good lesson. One part diligence equals one part talent. The thief had an excellent memory; he could memorize passages after hearing them a few times and bravely scolded Mr. Zeng for his level of reading. After teaching Mr. Zeng a lesson, he recited the passage and left. Unfortunately, he remains unknown, as he lacked diligence and never achieved anything.

15.Try Again

What is harder than a stone, or softer than water? Yet, soft water can penetrate hard stones, perseverance is the key. A young man went to interview at Microsoft, even though the company hadn’t posted any job openings. Seeing the perplexed expression of the CEO, the young man explained in somewhat unpolished English that he happened to be passing by and decided to enter. The CEO found it intriguing and allowed him a chance. The interview result was unexpectedly poor, and the young man attributed it to not being prepared. The CEO, thinking he was just making excuses to retreat, casually said, “Come back when you’re ready.” A week later, the young man walked through the gates of Microsoft again. This time, he still didn’t succeed, but his performance was much better than the first. The CEO, again, gave the same response: “Come back when you’re ready.” This process repeated five times until, finally, the young man was hired by the company as a key development target.

The moral of the story: Perhaps our life journey is filled with swamps and thorns; perhaps the landscapes we seek are always shrouded in mist, making it hard to see the bright side; perhaps our steps forward are always heavy and stumbling; perhaps we need to grope in the darkness for a long time before finding the light; perhaps our sincere beliefs are entangled by worldly dust, restricting our freedom to soar; perhaps our noble souls temporarily can’t find a pure land in reality… So, why not say to ourselves with the courage of a brave heart, firm and confident, “Try again!” With another attempt, you might just reach the shores of success!

16.Be Prepared for Challenges

Build the levee before the flood arrives, sharpen the knife before the wolves approach. A wild wolf lay on the grass diligently sharpening its teeth. A fox, seeing this, said, “The weather is so nice, everyone is resting and enjoying themselves. Why don’t you join our group?” The wolf remained silent, continuing to sharpen its teeth until they were sharp and pointed. Curious, the fox asked, “The forest is so quiet, the hunters and hunting dogs have gone home, and the tiger is not lurking nearby. There’s no danger at the moment, so why do you work so hard to sharpen your teeth?” The wolf stopped and replied, “I sharpen my teeth not for entertainment. Think about it, if one day I’m chased by a hunter or a tiger, at that moment, I won’t have time to sharpen my teeth. By keeping them sharp now, I am preparing to protect myself when needed.”

The moral of the story: Be proactive and prepared for challenges. Anticipate difficulties so that you won’t be caught off guard. If you don’t prepare in advance, you might find yourself in a chaotic situation when danger strikes. It emphasizes the importance of being vigilant and ready for unexpected challenges.

17.Adversity is a Gift

An obstacle is a new known condition. Any obstacle, if willing, can become an opportunity to surpass oneself. One day, the self-proclaimed king of the forest, the lion, approached the heavenly gods. He expressed gratitude for the robust and mighty physique and the tremendous strength that enabled him to rule the entire forest. The heavenly god, smiling, asked, “But that’s not the purpose of your visit today, is it? You seem troubled about something!” The lion roared softly, “God, you truly understand me! I do have a request today. Despite my abilities, every day, when the rooster crows, I am startled awake. Please grant me more strength so that I won’t be startled by the crowing anymore.” The heavenly god chuckled, “Go find the elephant; it will give you a satisfactory answer.” The lion hurriedly ran to the lake where the elephant was. Even before reaching the elephant, he heard the stomping sound made by the elephant’s feet. The lion approached and saw the elephant stomping its feet in frustration. The lion asked, “Why are you so angry?” The elephant shook its large ears and roared, “There’s an annoying little mosquito that always tries to enter my ear, making me terribly itchy.” The lion left the elephant, thinking, “The elephant, with such a huge size, is afraid of such a small mosquito. What do I have to complain about? After all, the rooster crows only once a day, while the mosquito bothers the elephant continuously. In this light, I’m luckier than him.” The lion walked away, looking back at the still frustrated elephant. He thought, “The heavenly god wanted me to see the situation of the elephant. It seems to tell me that everyone encounters troubles, and the god can’t help everyone. In that case, I can only rely on myself! From now on, when the rooster crows, I’ll just consider it a reminder to wake up. In that way, the crowing might even be beneficial to me.”

The moral of the story: In the journey of life, no matter how smoothly we progress, when we encounter difficulties, we tend to complain about fate and seek more strength from the divine. However, the divine is fair, as shown in the situations of the lion and the elephant. Every challenge has its positive value.

18.The Eternal Lesson

Facing difficulties, many people wear magnifying glasses, but when you confront difficulties head-on, you’ll realize they aren’t as challenging. That day’s snowstorm was fierce, resembling countless mad monsters roaring and assaulting. Snow maliciously sought its target, and the wind whistled around searching. Everyone shouted about the cold, and thoughts of reading seemed frozen. The classroom echoed with the sound of stomping feet. Teacher Ouyang, with a red nose, squeezed into the classroom. As we waited for a long time, the wind swept in, causing the “Middle School Student Code” on the wall to roll up into the air, as if playing a joke, then falling back down. The usually gentle Teacher Ouyang took on an unusual seriousness; his face even appeared cold and stern, matching the weather outside. The chaotic classroom fell silent, and we stared in surprise at Teacher Ouyang. “Put on your rubber shoes, we’re going to the playground.” Dozens of pairs of eyes questioned him. “Because we’re going to stand at attention on the playground.” Even with the threat of “Don’t ever attend my class again if you skip this class,” a few delicate girls and some defiant boys remained in the classroom. The playground was in the northeast corner of the school, with an open vegetable garden to the north and a large pond further north. That day, the playground, vegetable garden, and pond were all connected by snow. The basketball racks, now shorter, were hit by snowballs, producing crisp sounds. Snowflakes and snowballs whirled in the air, stinging our eyes and faces. Our thick clothes felt like iron and ice blocks, and our feet were as if stepping in icy water with crushed ice. We huddled under the classroom eaves, unwilling to take a single step towards the playground. Teacher Ouyang didn’t say anything. He gestured for us to stand in formation, took off his down jacket, and began unbuttoning his shirt. Halfway through, the wind and snow helped him finish the job. “Go to the playground, stand properly!” Teacher Ouyang, now pale, instructed us one word at a time. No one said a word. We obediently went to the playground and formed three columns. Afterward, we stood silently on the playground for a little over five minutes. When we were in the classroom, the students thought their enemy was the snowstorm. In reality, if they were asked to stand for half an hour or wear only a shirt, they would endure it.

The moral of the story: Much like many pains in life, they aren’t as severe as we imagine them to be. If you don’t treat them seriously, they won’t be that painful. The perceived pain is often our own imagination. If you feel pain, it’s because you believe the wound hurts; the fear of the wound’s pain makes it hurt.

19.The Ship in the Sea

No ship sailing on the sea is without scars. The Lloyd’s of London insurance company once bought a ship at an auction. Launched in 1894, this ship encountered icebergs 138 times, ran aground 116 times, caught fire 13 times, and had its mast broken by storms 207 times in the Atlantic Ocean. Yet, it never sank. Based on its incredible history and the substantial profits it brought in terms of insurance premiums, Lloyd’s eventually decided to buy it back from the Netherlands and donate it to the country. This ship now rests in the National Maritime Museum in Southampton, England. However, what made this ship famous worldwide was an incident involving a lawyer who visited the museum. At that time, he had just lost a lawsuit, and his client had recently committed suicide. Even though this wasn’t his first unsuccessful defense or the first case involving suicide, he always felt a sense of guilt when faced with such situations. Unsure how to console those who had suffered misfortune in the business world, he had an idea when he saw the ship at the Southampton Maritime Museum. He decided to display the ship’s history, along with its photos, in his law office. Whenever business clients approached him for legal assistance, regardless of the outcome, he suggested they visit the ship. It makes us understand: No ship sailing on the sea is without scars.

The moral of the story: Though facing setbacks, being able to withstand them resiliently is the secret to success.

20.Are You in the Well Too?

To reach a higher level in life, one must overcome adversity, and it’s crucial always to have self-respect. One day, a farmer’s donkey accidentally fell into a dry well. The farmer tried various ways to rescue the donkey, but after several hours, the donkey was still stuck in the well, braying in distress. Finally, the farmer decided to give up. He thought the donkey was old, and it wasn’t worth the effort to rescue it. Nevertheless, the well had to be filled to prevent further accidents. So, the farmer called on his neighbors to help fill the well and bury the donkey. The neighbors, each with a shovel, began to dump soil into the well. When the soil hit the donkey’s back, it shook it off and stepped on top of it. With every scoop of soil thrown in, the donkey shook it off and stepped up. Soon, to everyone’s surprise, the donkey reached the top of the well and trotted away. The donkey turned what seemed like a dire situation into an opportunity to climb to a higher position.

The moral of the story: In life’s journey, sometimes we may find ourselves in a dry well, with various challenges heaped upon us. To escape such situations, shake off the burdens and step up, using adversity as a stepping stone to success.

21.The Transformation of a Wild Boar

In ancient times, there was a tribe at the foot of a mountain. The villagers cultivated crops at the mountain’s base, but they were plagued by wild boars from the mountaintop. Seeking a solution, the villagers consulted a wise sage who gave them an unusual plan: convert the wild boars into domesticated pigs. Following the sage’s instructions, the villagers implemented the plan in stages. In the first month, they placed the pigs’ favorite food halfway up the mountain. The number of wild boars coming down decreased. In the second month, they continued providing food but built a sturdy fence at the gathering spot for the wild boars. In the third month, more food was given, and a second fence was erected. This process continued until the fifth month, with additional fences being built. Finally, the villagers selected a brave person to go and close the final gate. The wild boars had been transformed into domestic pigs.

The moral of the story: Listening, simplicity, and obedience can lead to success. Having insight without demanding changes in one’s surroundings.

22.The Story of Noah’s Ark

On the day of rebuilding the world, God instructed the prophet to build an ark named Noah’s Ark. Every species, male and female, was to board the ark to start anew. However, the ark’s space was limited, and not all animals could be accommodated. God proposed a solution: each animal should tell a story that makes everyone laugh, and only those who don’t laugh will be left on the ark. The first to volunteer was the dinosaur, telling a fascinating and humorous story that had the animals laughing. God, however, said, “I’m sorry, you have to jump off because only the pig didn’t laugh.” So the dinosaurs vanished. Next was the unicorn, but its story also failed to make the pig laugh. The unicorn disappeared too. The peacock, having no funny story, offered to showcase its beautiful feathers. Although it didn’t make anyone laugh, the pig rolled on the floor laughing. God inquired, and the pig responded, “The dinosaur’s story was so hilarious!”

The moral of the story: Having a sharp sense of humor can help solve problems in one’s career and life.

23.The Manifestation of Value

One day, a pig and a cow were talking. The pig expressed his feelings, saying, “Our contributions to humans are basically the same, but they treat us differently. Why is that?” The cow, being loyal, replied, “Yes, our contributions are nearly the same, but there’s one crucial difference. Your value is only realized after death, whereas my value is recognized while I’m still alive.”

The moral of the story: People can choose how they want to manifest their value.

24.How to Explain Zen

Nan-in was a Zen master during Japan’s Meiji era.

One day, a university professor came to inquire about Zen. Nan-in hosted him with tea.

He poured tea into the professor’s cup until it was full, then kept pouring.

The professor watched as the tea overflowed the cup, unable to remain silent any longer. Finally, he said, “It’s overflowing, stop pouring!”

“You are like this cup,” Nan-in replied, “filled with your own opinions and thoughts. If you don’t empty your cup, how can I teach you about Zen?”

The moral of the story: This tale tells people that many things must be learned from scratch, and one should avoid being complacent. If a person is complacent, thinking they know everything, nothing new can be absorbed, much like tea overflowing – further improvement becomes impossible.

25.Remember to “Lower Your Head”

Benjamin Franklin, known as one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, achieved remarkable success in his lifetime, and it was related to one of his visits.

Once, Franklin visited an elder’s house. Upon entering, he accidentally bumped his head hard against the low door frame. While rubbing his head in pain, he observed the door was lower than the standard height. The elder, amused, said:

“It hurts, doesn’t it? However, this will be your greatest gain from today’s visit. If you want to live peacefully, you must always remember to ‘lower your head.’ That’s the lesson I want to teach you – don’t forget it.”

Franklin considered this visit his greatest gain, firmly incorporating the lesson into his lifelong principles.

The moral of the story: Humility and prudence are virtues. A mature and accomplished person possesses these qualities, preferring to lower their head and yield rather than being arrogant and self-important. This may be a virtue of many successful individuals.

26.Good Luck Doesn’t Last Forever

A turkey and a cow were chatting. The turkey said, “I hope to fly to the top of the tree, but I lack the courage.”

The cow suggested, “Why not eat some of my dung? It’s very nutritious.”

The turkey tried it and found it gave him enough strength to fly to the first branch.

The next day, the turkey ate more dung and reached the second branch. Two weeks later, proud and confident, the turkey flew to the top of the tree.

However, a farmer noticed it and quickly shot it down.

The moral of the story: Dung luck may help you reach the peak, but it won’t keep you there.

27.Bird’s Winter Journey

A small bird flew south for the winter. The weather was freezing, and the bird was nearly frozen.

So, it landed on a large open area. A passing cow dropped a heap of dung on the bird. The frozen bird lay in the manure, feeling warm and gradually revived. Cozy and comfortable, it started singing.

A wild cat heard the song, approached, and swiftly devoured the bird.

The moral of the story: Not everyone who dumps manure on you is your enemy. Nor is everyone who pulls you out of the dung heap your friend. Additionally, when you’re lying in manure, it’s best to keep your mouth shut.

28.The Scholar Buying Firewood

Once, a scholar went to buy firewood. He said to the wood seller, “Bring it here!” The wood seller didn’t understand the term “bring it here” (which means loading the firewood onto one’s back). However, he did understand the words “here,” so he placed the firewood in front of the scholar.

The scholar asked, “What’s the price?” The wood seller didn’t fully grasp the question but understood the word “price,” so he quoted a price.

Later, the scholar said, “Outwardly solid but inwardly hollow, much smoke but little flame. Please reduce the price.” The wood seller, not understanding the scholar’s words, walked away carrying the firewood.

The moral of the story: Managers should use simple and understandable language to communicate messages. Additionally, they should be mindful of the audience and timing. Sometimes, excessive embellishment may not achieve the desired outcome.

29.Seeing Isn’t Necessarily Believin

One of Confucius’s students was cooking porridge when he noticed something dirty had fallen into the pot. Quickly using a spoon, he fished it out. About to discard it, he suddenly thought about the effort and resources that went into making each bowl of porridge. So, he decided to eat it. Coincidentally, Confucius walked into the kitchen, thinking the student was stealing a taste. He scolded the student responsible for cooking.

After clarifications, everyone understood the situation. Confucius sighed and said, “Even what I see with my own eyes is not necessarily true, let alone hearsay.”

The moral of the story: In the world of business and organization, where there are many people, there are bound to be many interpersonal issues. Misunderstandings and distorted information often circulate, affecting confidence.

30.The Key to the Problem

One day, the zookeepers found that kangaroos had escaped from their enclosure. In a meeting, they all agreed that the height of the enclosure was too low. So, they decided to increase the height from the original ten meters to twenty meters. The next day, they discovered the kangaroos had escaped again. They decided to raise the height to thirty meters. Unexpectedly, the kangaroos were still found outside the enclosure the next day. The keepers, anxious, decided to take drastic measures and increased the height to one hundred meters.

One day, giraffes and a few kangaroos were chatting. “Do you think they will continue to raise the height of your enclosure?” asked a giraffe.

“It’s hard to say,” the kangaroo said, “if they continue to forget to close the gate!”

The moral of the story: Many people only understand there is a problem but cannot grasp the core and root of the problem.

31.The Real Strong One

Five-year-old Hank, along with his parents and older brother, went to the forest to work. Suddenly, it started raining, and they only had one raincoat. Hank’s father gave the raincoat to his mother, his mother gave it to his brother, and his brother gave it to Hank.

Hank asked, “Why did Dad give it to Mom, Mom gave it to Brother, and Brother gave it to me?”

Dad replied, “Because Dad is stronger than Mom, Mom is stronger than Brother, and Brother is stronger than you. We all will protect the weaker ones.”

Hank looked around, ran over, and opened the raincoat to shield a delicate and trembling flower from the wind and rain.

The moral of the story: A real strong person is not necessarily physically strong or wealthy but someone who helps others. Responsibility ensures tasks are completed, and love ensures they are done well.

32.Grasping the Key Points

A master performer was about to go on stage, and his disciple told him his shoelaces were loose. The master nodded in thanks, squatted down, and tied them carefully. When the disciple turned away, the master loosened the shoelaces again. A bystander saw this and asked in confusion, “Master, why did you untie your shoelaces again?” The master replied, “Because I am playing the role of a weary traveler, and the long journey has made his shoelaces come loose. Addressing this detail helps portray his exhaustion.”

“Why didn’t you just tell your disciple?” “He noticed my shoelaces were loose, and he kindly informed me. I must encourage his enthusiasm and praise him promptly. As for untying the shoelaces, there will be more opportunities to teach him in the future.”

The moral of the story: Individuals can only do one thing at a time. Understanding how to prioritize is the mark of a true talent.

33.Cherish Life

There was a man named Abag who lived on the Inner Mongolian grasslands. Once, young Abag got lost with his father on the grasslands. Exhausted and scared, he could barely walk anymore. His father took out five coins from his pocket, buried one in the grass, and placed the remaining four in Abag’s hands, saying, “Life has five golden coins: childhood, youth, adulthood, middle age, and old age, each with its own coin. You’ve only used one coin so far, the one buried in the grass. You can’t throw all five into the grass. Use them gradually, making each time different. This way, you won’t waste your entire life. Today, we must leave the grasslands, and one day, you will have to leave as well. The world is vast, and as long as you’re alive, explore different places and experiences. Don’t discard your coins unused.”

Encouraged by his father, that day, Abag walked out of the grasslands. Growing up, he left his hometown and became an outstanding captain.

The moral of the story: Cherish life, and you can overcome the swamps of setbacks.

34.Sweeping Sunshine

Two brothers, aged around four or five, felt that their bedroom was too dark because the windows were always closed. Seeing the bright sunlight outside, they envied it. The brothers decided, “Let’s sweep some sunshine into our room together.” So, armed with brooms and dustpans, they went to the balcony to sweep sunshine. However, when they brought the dustpan into the room, the sunlight disappeared. They repeated this process many times, but the room remained without sunlight. Their mother, busy in the kitchen, noticed their peculiar behavior and asked, “What are you doing?” They replied, “The room is too dark, and we want to sweep in some sunshine.” The mother laughed and said, “Just open the window; sunlight will naturally come in. Why bother sweeping?”

The moral of the story: Open the door to your closed heart, and the successful sunlight will dispel the shadows of failure.

35.The Resilient Spider

After the rain, a spider struggled to climb up the broken web on a damp wall. Due to the moist wall, every time it reached a certain height, it would fall. It climbed up again and again, only to fall once more. The first person who saw this sighed and said, “Isn’t my life just like this busy, yet gaining nothing?” Consequently, he became increasingly despondent. The second person who saw this commented, “This spider is really foolish. Why doesn’t it go around to the dry side and climb up? I mustn’t be as foolish as it.” Subsequently, he became more clever. The third person who saw this was immediately moved by the spider’s spirit of repeatedly trying despite failures. Consequently, he became stronger.

The moral of the story: Those with a successful mindset can find the power of success everywhere.

36、The Wisdom Stone

Once upon a time, there was a stone that felt dissatisfied with itself. So, it sought out a sage and asked to become more perfect. The sage told it, “You are already perfect; there’s no need to change.” However, the stone didn’t believe and requested the sage to grant it more wisdom. The sage agreed. After some time, the stone felt itself becoming lighter. It turned out that wisdom made its inner self ethereal and weightless. The stone happily exclaimed, “So, inner wisdom is the true perfection.”

The moral of the story: True beauty and perfection lie in inner wisdom rather than external changes.

37、The Child on the Ox’s Back

A child climbed onto the back of an ox, waving arms joyfully. Someone asked, “Why are you sitting on the ox’s back?” The child replied, “Because I want to see farther and experience more.” Then, an adult came and said, “Kids are really foolish; what’s so interesting up there?” The child replied, “I know you don’t understand because you haven’t seen the broader world from your own perspective.”

The moral of the story: Broadening one’s view and embracing different perspectives can bring more insights and experiences.

38、The Fox’s Advice

One day, a little fox said to its son, “In this forest, many dangerous things lurk, but there’s one crucial piece of advice: never trust humans. They may appear friendly, but their nature is untrustworthy. Once you trust them, you may end up in irreparable trouble.” The young fox listened, keeping a cautious heart.

The moral of the story: Sometimes, seemingly friendly appearances can hide danger, and it’s essential to remain vigilant.

39、The Power of a Seed

There was a tiny seed that longed to become a towering tree. However, it found itself heavy and unable to soar in the wind. So, it gave up its upward aspirations and buried itself in the soil. In the dark underground, it diligently took root and sprouted, quietly growing. Eventually, it transformed into a majestic tree, bringing vitality to the earth.

The moral of the story: Everyone undergoes a growth process, and sometimes, letting go of certain things is necessary for robust future growth.

40.Tolerance Towards Others

During the Spring and Autumn Period, the King of Chu invited many officials to a feast, featuring exquisite singing, dancing, fine wine, and delicacies. Meanwhile, the King ordered his two most beloved beauties, Xuzi and Maiji, to take turns to toast the guests. Suddenly, a strong wind blew, extinguishing all the candles, leaving the hall in complete darkness. Taking advantage of the situation, one official slyly groped Xuzi’s jade-like hand. Xuzi quickly pulled away, tore off his hatband, hastily returned to her seat, and whispered to the King, “Someone took advantage of the situation to harass me. I tore off his hatband. Quickly, order the candles to be lit, and we’ll see who’s missing a hatband to find the culprit.” The King, hearing this, immediately commanded not to light the candles, but loudly told all the officials, “Tonight, I must revel with you all. Come, let’s all take off our hats and drink heartily.” As no one was wearing a hat, it was impossible to tell whose hatband had been torn. Later, when the King attacked the state of Zheng, a brave general led a few hundred soldiers, cleared the way for the army, beheaded enemy commanders, and reached the capital of Zheng. Astonishingly, this general was the same person who had groped Xuzi during that incident. Touched by the King’s kindness, he swore to remain loyal to the King for his entire life.

The moral of the story:”To err is human.” Many times, we need to be tolerant. Tolerance not only gives others a chance but also creates opportunities for ourselves. Preserving the dignity of subordinates can sometimes be an effective form of motivation.

The purpose of morning meetings held by enterprises and companies is to let employees understand the meaning of life and the value embodied in work. This helps employees actively face difficulties at work. When encountering difficulties, they do not shrink back, maintain an optimistic attitude, and find answers to solve problems. On the other hand, it can also reflect the company’s corporate culture and convey a sense of social value and mission.

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